How To Frame a Garage Door

How to Frame a garage door opening? Before you can install a new garage door, it is important that the garage door framing is done correctly. Even if you’re replacing an old garage door, there is still a good possibility that you will need to have some framing done. Note-This article is not about building a wall. It is only to explain how to prepare the wall to mount garage doors and openers.

First, you need to make sure that you know all the required measurements for a garage door. This will allow making sure that you can properly price, purchase, and install the new garage door and opener. For more information about all the necessary measurements, go to how to measure a garage door. If you already have all your measurements verified, you can proceed to frame the garage door opening. 

The Garage Door Rough Opening

  • The rough opening of a garage door should be 3 inches wider than the door itself. So if your door is 9ft wide your rough opening should be 9ft 3 inches
  • Next, your rough opening height should be 1.5 inches taller than the door.
  • After this, you just need to bring in the opening size to the exact size of the garage door.

Back Framing The Garage Door

  • First, the inside vertical jambs are lined with wood to mount the track to. This is usually done by fastening two 2×6’s to the back of the frame from the floor to as high as the hardware will go to. For standard hardware, this is usually around 18 inches above the header. A lot of the time it is necessary for these 2×6’s to go all the way to the ceiling of the garage. This is usually because there is only wood behind the drywall at the top plate of the wall.
  • Next, there will be a 2×4 that runs horizontally along the top jamb. This will be between the 2 2×6’s to “flush out” the garage door opening. The only purpose of this piece is to have something to fasten the header weather striping.
  • Finally, there is the center pad. This is a piece of 2×6 that is fastened vertically in the middle of the header. It runs from the top of the previously installed horizontal 2×4 to the ceiling. This piece needs to be fastened very well. It’s responsible for holding the springs and the torque they have when the springs are wound. It is also there to fasten the opener to as well. There are some instances where this piece is not fastened exactly in the middle of the opening. To make sure you know for sure, contact your local garage door dealer. An important thing to know is that all the framing needs to be “flush” with one another. This will allow all the track and hardware to function properly as well as to make sure that the door seals.

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